VEA Statement on SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
The following is a statement from Dr. James J. Fedderman, President of the Virginia Education Association, in response to today’s Supreme Court ruling that ends raced-based admissions at colleges and universities:
“The inescapable truth of our remarkably unequal student outcomes in Virginia is that they are rooted in a legacy of state-sanctioned segregation and discrimination. Affirmative action expanded higher education opportunities to those who have been historically denied a fair shot. Today’s Supreme Court decision striking down affirmative action by overturning decades of precedent allowing public and private universities to consider race as one small factor among many in making student admissions decisions only works to solidify the unequal educational opportunities baked into the fabric of our state and nation.
“Regardless of today’s decision, VEA remains committed to an educational model that reflects the rich and beautiful diversity of the Commonwealth and calls on institutions of higher education and K-12 schools to redouble their efforts to ensure all students are provided with fair and adequate supports for them to pursue their dreams. Hand-in-hand with partners, VEA will continue to fight for a more just public education system that ensures all students, no matter what they look like or where they live, have the resources and support they need to thrive. We are stronger when our communities, schools, and future includes and reflects all of us, and we will work to ensure that ideal becomes a reality.”
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