Act Now to Gain a Voice on the Job in Virginia
January 7, 2020
January 7, 2020
A new bill just introduced in the Virginia General Assembly by Del. Elizabeth Guzman would give educators (and other public employees) the right to engage in collective bargaining with their local school divisions.
That’s a game changer, and it means that the ability to negotiate needed changes like more resources for student programs, smaller class sizes—and your salaries and benefits—is within your grasp.
Virginia teachers are paid $8500 under the national average, and too many support professionals don’t earn a living wage. Collective bargaining will give you an equal seat at the table.
We need your help to get Delegate Guzman’s bill passed. Sign our petition now!
Teacher shortages are a serious issue across the country. Here in Virginia, there are currently over 3,648 unfilled teaching positions. (FY23)
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