Hearings Underway on 2022-24 Biennium Budget; Make Your Voice Heard
January 4, 2022
January 4, 2022
Happy New Year!
Budget Hearings are underway on the Governor’s proposed 2022-24 Biennium Budget. The hearings will be held on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, across the state. This is a valuable opportunity to ensure legislators hear from VEA leaders and members about the importance of school funding during this session.
If you have members/leaders in your area who would like to speak at the hearings, please feel free to forward this daily post.
To speak at the hearings, individuals must sign up today, Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Below is a guide with more information about signing up to speak, and some suggested talking points. We recommend you check this site today to see if sign-ups have started and sign up as soon as possible if you can speak. Please share with VEA that you have signed up to speak; please email sriddle@veanea.org.
Important Information to Know:
Each January, the General Assembly’s House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees hold public hearings to receive comments about the Governor’s budget priorities. The purpose of the 2022 budget hearings is to receive public feedback on Governor Ralph Northam’s proposed 2022-24 biennial state budget.
The proposed budget would direct state resources to needed staffing and services in Virginia schools. Yet, it falls far short of what it will take to fairly and adequately fund our schools, as identified by the Virginia Board of Education this fall. This is a fantastic opportunity to speak directly to your elected representatives and demand full and fair funding for Virginia’s public schools.
Regional hearings will take place on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 10 am. There will be four separate virtual hearings with legislators participating for each of the following regions: Northern Virginia, Western Virginia, Hampton Roads, and Central Virginia.
Registration Period: The public may sign up to speak for one of the virtual public hearings on Tuesday January 4, 2022, beginning at 7:00 AM through 4:00 PM
Please check either of the following websites for more information: Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Website (http://sfac.virginia.gov). House Appropriations Committee Website (http://hac.virginia.gov)
Speakers will be taken in the order of registration. Each person may register only one speaker at a time and only sign-up to speak at one of the hearings. Speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes or less. Speakers representing groups and organizations should consolidate remarks to reduce duplication.
Here are some tips for effective advocacy:
Teacher shortages are a serious issue across the country. Here in Virginia, there are currently over 3,648 unfilled teaching positions. (FY23)
Learn More