Teaching & Learning Today: March 2025
March 13, 2025
March 13, 2025
Happy Spring, and welcome to Teaching and Learning TODAY. We encourage you to monitor this newsletter regularly and respond to areas that interest you. We facilitate the development of professional learning by members and are grateful for the opportunity to do so. Allow us to assist you to learn, grow professionally, and impact others.
Please share our newsletter far and wide!
The Board of Education recently updated guidelines for the National Board Certification Teacher Incentive Award Program. The changes were necessary in order to align with the current budget language. The updated guidelines are as follows:
An individual seeking a National Board Certification Incentive Award must:
Additionally, awards will be disbursed according to the following priority as long as funds are available.
Questions? Contact Melinda Bright, mbright@veanea.org
New English Standards of Learning Resources Available from VDOE
New resources to support English teaching and learning have been released and are located on the 2024 English Standards of Learning webpage. The K-12 English Instructional Guides provide support to English and literacy educators as they implement the 2024 English Standards of Learning. This week your school division’s literacy leaders attended a webinar with an overview of the 2024 English Standards of Learning. Recordings and resources will be posted on the 2024 English Standards of Learning webpage as they become available.
Teaching and Learning received 29 responses to the survey conducted recently to assess needs of this group of members. While a variety of experiences were shared, some common requests included training on classroom management, improved mentor programs, and better guidance during the process to full licensure. TL is here to help!
This month, we are highlighting some relevant courses that are available on VEA’s learning portal (VEA Learning Portal).
Webinar: Connection Before Curriculum: Teaching in a Post-Pandemic World
Explore research-based programs to set the tone of the classroom. All need to feel safe in order for teaching and learning to occur. This webinar is part of the NEA Professional Excellence Portal offerings.
Webinar: Rethinking Grading with Agency and Equity
Examine assumptions about grading, look at current grading practices, and imagine alternatives to the status quo.
Cultural Responsiveness: An Introduction
In this course, you will learn about cultural competence and what it means to be a culturally responsive teacher. Explore practical tools to assist in implementing a culture of competent and responsive teaching in the classroom.
Zearn’s K-8 math platform supports Virginia educators to accelerate math learning for all students with free access for all divisions in the Commonwealth. Find out more about Zearn’s downloadable posters, webinar, and resources. Free access to Zearn includes the K-8 math platform offering more than 1,000 digital lessons, training for educators, and materials to support families and resources. Families can also use Zearn at no cost. Virginia educators (both current and new users) who would like to participate for the 2025-26 school year should reach out to their school or division leads to indicate their interest. Division leaders who are ready to opt in should contact Zearn.
The work of the Department of Teaching and Learning extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. This month, we will be featuring our SVEA-AE student president:
Name: Denver Francis-McKenzie
Local: Aspiring Educator, Virginia State University Chapter
Role(s) that you have completed with VEA: State President, SPED Committee
# of years in education: Aspiring Educator
# of years in VEA: 1
How has being a union member helped you? Being a union member has influenced my passion about who I wanted to become as an educator. It provided me the opportunity to look at the world of education through multiple lenses and providing me the platform to sit at the table and weigh in on decisions needed for the betterment of the education system. Becoming a union member created new goals for me as an educator to continue to enhance the education system and become a leader in ensuring that happens. It also made me part of a family and a strong community, one that I can call on for support and experience growth in my career with.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be? If I could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, it would be to value your craft. Teaching is one of the most valuable professions there is; we build generations and create opportunities for our students to leave school and become leaders of our future. Valuing your craft is important to remember throughout your years in education because it teaches you to understand the weight you hold in pouring into our students.
The average pay of Virginia public school teachers in 2023-24 was $65,830. That is $4,260 below the national average of $70,090.
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